Yesterday I booted up the computer to check the center email before I began the day. When my home page came up, it contained notes of all the important news: the imminent government shutdown, the threat of radioactivity in our fish, and the Lego dress worn by someone named Fergie. My attention was immediately caught because I know Legos very well - I have played with Legos, found them in my pockets at the end of the day, stepped on them in my bare feet at night, and lured them away from a big, hairy dog. Since my grandchild loves Legos, I thought that it would be a neat article to forward to him. With anticipation of seeing something really cool, I clicked on the article and was immediately shown a picture of a young woman with long hair who was dressed like a Lego dominatrix. This was not exactly the picture that I wanted to send to a ten year old boy (although the boy might not have minded). The picture had comments under it, most of which talked about how "cute" she was. One lady even said that her children loved both Legos and Fergie so they loved the dress. Cute? With a whip and knee high black boots with heels, she could have been scary.
The only Fergie that I knew of was the lady named Sarah who married the English prince, divorced the English prince, wrote some children's books and was the spokesperson for Weight Watchers. I could tell that this was not the same person, so I googled Fergie. I found another picture of her in the Lego dress, and I found some videos of her when she was, I think, singing. One song seemed to consist of Fergie saying "shut up" (something that my mother would never let us say because it was rude) over and over and over. She must be fairly famous, because she sang at a Super Bowl. She wore something that looked like a silver futuristic space suit with B-I-G shoulder pads. She must have been nervous about the Super Bowl, however, because the poor girl forgot to put on her skirt. She was yelling something into the microphone, but I could not understand the words. The audience cheered a lot, but that was mostly when she rubbed up and down against the guitar player. (Maybe it was the static electricity that made his hair look like that!).
I have several concerns about the whole thing. Nickelodeon is supposed to be a kid's place for entertainment. Why in heaven's name is someone who looks as though she should be entertaining at a bachelor party being the entertainment for children? When I was younger any woman who let her slip strap slip until it showed was obviously a slut. (Gasp! Am I channeling my mother? Nooooo!) I realize that times have changed and that our famous "Summer of Love" looks very tame now, but there are limits. I constantly read concerns about children who grow up too quickly, children who are not responsible or who get into trouble, young girls who become pregnant, etc., etc., etc, yet it seems to me that many adults are not willing to set any boundaries on what their children see, hear, or experience. Children's entertainment does not have to consist of ookey cartoon characters, but there are many excellent entertainers who do not rely on a sexy image to sell their product. In addition, it would not hurt the children to listen to real singers who do not rely on tricky costumes or electronic enhancements to their voices. If you are going to let your child watch a scantily clad singer, at least chose one who can sing!
This makes a rant for two days in row. It seems to be time to relax, get off my soapbox for a while and do something fun. Children (and adults) love to snack and here is a recipe for one that is healthy and fun. (If you have any left over, they are good for breakfast, too).
Frozen Pudding Grahams
1 box instant chocolate pudding 1 1/2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup peanut butter 1 box graham crackers
Mix the pudding mix, milk, and peanut butter. Let sit in refrigerator a while to thicken. Break a graham cracker in half, spread pudding thickly on one half, and top with the other half of the graham cracker. Place sandwiches in a tightly closed container in the freezer. Eat them frozen. If you wish to use cooked pudding, which does not always have red dye, mix the pudding with 1 1/2 cups milk, follow cooking directions on box, and stir in pb.