Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Hope You Dance

Several years ago a lady named Lee Ann Woamck sang a song called, "I Hope You Dance" which detailed her hopes and dreams for her children.  At the end of every verse she would sing, "I hope you daaaaaance" and I would picture little girls in pretty dresses spinning outside in the grass with their arms outstretched and their faces up to the sun.  I have always loved to spin, although when I hit my middle fifties I began to get dizzy very easily.  Still, it was worth the swirling head to be able to turn in circles like that. (By the way, spinning also helps a child's brain to grow and develop!)

Friday at the child care center is often pizza day.  The cook gives the children lumps of dough and bowls full of toppings and they custom craft their own pizzas.  While the three year old group was making their pizzas, a lot of flour (naturally) landed on the floor.  I looked out of the office door to see one of the boys - a cute little guy with a head of shaggy blond curls -dancing in the flour.  He was absorbed in his dance, and went back and forth, kicking, sliding, and spinning.  The look of joy on his face made everyone who was watching him laugh along with him.  Eventually his teacher told him that he should not be playing in the flour, so the boy stood with his folded arms leaning on the end of the table but his feet kept moving the whole time.  There was a mess on the floor, but the joy that the child felt was worth all of it.

I love to dance, and I would be a pro if only I had rhythm, coordination, and grace.  Still - I love to dance.  When was the last time that you spread out your arms and twirled in circles?  It is a wonderful feeling.  It is even more fun if you are doing it with your children, or with the children in your care.  Try it.  You will be glad that your did.

I hope you dance!

We should consider every day lost in which we have not danced at least once.  Nietzche

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