Friday, September 30, 2011

Get Over Yourself!

As I have stated a number of times before, I love working with young children.  It is not just a job that I endure to bring bring home money, it is a part of my life.  Children can fill me with joy, make me laugh out loud, or make me nuts, but I love being with them.  One special thing about children is that they have not yet learned the fine art of being polite.  I do not mean saying "please" and "thank you" or covering their cough with their elbow, but the polite little lies that one tells others to make them feel better.

Several weeks ago I attended the wedding of a friend's daughter.  I dearly love both the bride and the groom and was thrilled to share their special day.  The couple were spending their honeymoon at Disney, and all of the tables were identified with a Disney character.  While I was sitting and waiting for the couple to arrive, a young girl who attends our church and is in my Sunday School class came to sit on my lap and chat.  When I discovered that the families with young girls had been seated at the "Beauty and the Beast" table, I entertained her by singing a medley from the movie.  The girl looked at me partway through my performance and told me, "The teapot sings it better."

Last week the memory verse in my Sunday School class contained the words, "... the skies proclaim His glory".  In order to explain the word proclaim to my children (4 years to second grade), I stood on one of the little chairs to make a loud proclamation.  One of the girls told me that it is not safe to stand on a chair.  While I was explaining that I was careful, one of the boys told me that I should have stood on the gray chair.  When I asked why, he told me that it was. "Because that chair is bigger and stronger".

Children make me laugh because they are naturally very funny, but they also keep me grounded.  I can't spend much time with a child and have pretensions about myself!

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