Thursday, October 13, 2011

Conflict Resolution

Today I was watching while the three year old children sat down for lunch.  Two of the children, David and Carol sat next to each other.  As they adjusted their chairs, they turned to each other and kissed.  David said, "We're sitting next to each other" and Carol kissed him on the cheek.  When I asked them why they were kissing, David said, "Because we are sitting next to each other".  At this point, LaToya crossed her arms, leaned on them and scowled.  She then said, "You are supposed to marry me, David!"  David replied, "I will marry you tomorrow.  Okay?"  Apparently that was okay, since there were smiles all around and everyone said grace and started their lunch.

This was conflict resolution at its finest.  LaToya stated her problem, David listened to her, and David came up with a solution that made everyone happy.  It is the start of learning a skill that will serve them well later in life.  If only all of our conflicts and problems could be solved this easily!

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